Saturday, March 15, 2008

Singapore Fitness Coach Talk: Athletes...Are you leaking energy?

One of the more interesting ways of looking at the way athletes move and perform I first read about from therapist Gray Cook.

He has the theory of "energy leaks" in movement. I like this way of looking at things. More importantly it is a way that I can easily communicate the importance of movement training to athletes.

If you have an imbalance, if you are tight, if you are inflexible, if you have scar tissue from a previous injury, if you have trigger points, if you have a lack of mobility in a joint, if you are not strong enough, if you are not skillful enough... energy leaks from your performance.

Wow thats a long list to fix, but thats why we do screening and testing of athletes so we can figure out exactly where they are leaking energy and not maximizing performance.

This is why I find it good to read widely from sources in fitness, sports performance, rehab guys, psychologists etc... anything that helps me and my staff coach our clients better!

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