Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Singapore Fitness Coach Talk: Agility - For athletes and everybody else too!

I recall a story about Paula Abdul and how she hurt herself pretty badly trying to avoid stepping on her dog. While I don't mean to laugh or poke fun at the misfortune of others, there is a point we can learn here.

Agility is not just for professional athletes.

Paula tore some cartilage, and had bruises all over. It could happen to anybody. But with the correct amounts of strength, coordination and balance, the chances of you or I hurting ourselves is FAR less.

As a fitness and sports performance coach in Singapore, I experience situations like this in real life too.

I have a client who blew out a knee ligament avoiding a person who accidentally stepped into his way. This is unfortunate! Now we have to spend months building back his pre injury strength levels. It's not the end of the world, but it is unfortunate.

My philosophy in injury is that all non-contact injury is preventable. If you get injured without somebody hitting, kicking, tackling or assaulting you, that injury can be prevented with correct training and recovery methods.

That is why my website says "Athletic fitness for all" because that I what I want to give my clients.

We train like athletes (of course adjusting to each individuals current fitness and ability) so we don't just look good, we can also avoid our dogs or other small animals that get in our way without hurting ourselves or the small animals in question! What a wonderful Win-Win situation.
I train people so we don't hurt you

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