Friday, March 14, 2008

Singapore Fitness Coach Talk: Back Pain a Reality

The research statistics are pretty scary. During our life we have about a 80% chance of having back pain. Sure its not a Singaporean study but I see no reason to think that we are different. After taking a look at some of the ways "real life" people I know in Singapore that have hurt their's something that we as personal trainers and fitness professionals MUST take note of and prevent. Here are some of the ways that people I know have been hurt.
  1. Back pain after Sneezing (this one was a slipped disc that required long term medical care)
  2. Back pain after helping an old lady carry her shipping.
  3. Back pain while slipping on a moist badminton court
  4. Back pain while helping a friend shift furniture
As usual I'm a "be a part of the solution" kind of guy, and actually I wrote a lot about core training to prevent back pain in my IPPT-Training website and all the exercises are demoed on my forum. Just sign up on the forum to take a look at all the videos under the "core" section of the exercise index.

Back pain is frustrating because it makes us feel old and immobile and i dare say helpless! It is only responsible for fitness and performance professionals to help people avoid it!

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