Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Sinapore Fitness Coach: If you haven't read the full article on my site yet... - EPOC

Yesteday I got another bunch of emails asking me cardio questions and all the time I tell them that interval training is the best way to do it. This can come in an form. Swimming, sprining, skipping rope, lifitng weights etc... It is because of Excess Post Exercise Oxygen Consumtion (EPOC). This burns calories for DAYS after the training ends.

The body needs to get back to "normal" after such hard training... so many things need to be done "inside" that take up extra calories and burn more fat!

Restore ATP-PC: replenish energy
Restore Oxygen Stores: increase blood oxygen
Restore Heart and Breathing Rates to Normal: This takes time and energy
Restore Hormone Levels: there is a chemical pump that works hard to get the hormones back in order
Restore Body Temperature: each degree above normal takes 13-15% increase in calorie burning
Remove Lactate: This byproduct also takes energy to remove

All the programs at Genesis Health & Performance take advantage of these facts to keep you burning fat 24/7

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