Sunday, May 4, 2008

Singapore Fitness Coach: Research Is a bit behind - Benefits of Jump Training

Jump Training - Men & Women, Boys and Girls, all our training programs have some form of reactive training

Part of any good training program (if you have no pre-existing medical problems) is "reactive" kind of training. That means jumping and bouncing stuff.

Besides being really good for fat-loss (try 25 burpees with a jump and see how your heart rate is!) they have an especially good other benefit, they improve bone density and mineral content. So ladies, say Bye Bye osteoporosis! And the good news is that the benefits last a long time. In the study, the benefits lasted more than 24 weeks after training stopped (and no... you shouldn't stop training).

But the results are clear (altho the study was done initially on rats...) reactive training has so many benefits, that if it is well coached and taught, it's a great addition to any training program.

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