Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Blog is moving

I will be writing on a blog on my website because it allows more control over features and plug-ins!

All the content has been shifted over!


Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Singapore Personal Trainer - Fat loss, muscle building, performing better - Who wants to be average?

When first time visitors come to my gym, they often have similar goals. Fat loss, muscle gain, better performance, better health etc.

One of the questions they often ask is "what are the average results that people get".

That is a fair question. But not a very good one.

I'm not looking for people who want to be average! The commitment, time, energy, and money that you would spend on good coaching, should not leave you with an "average" experience, or average results.

Ask me "what is the BEST result you have ever seen" - and aim to be even better!